First I delivered an order of five hand hand carved stamps, ten buttons, and ten magnets (all adorned with a portrait of Susan B. Anthony) to the Susan B. Anthony House here in Rochester, NY. The citizens of Rochester know the legends of Susan B. well. Her work along with her sister suffragettes were pivotal in getting the vote for women in the US. One of her homes is here in Rochester, along with her grave. Many sites in Rochester honor her with her name. Household name in Rochester? Absolutely.
So when I was contacted by Joann at the Susan B. Anthony House gift shop, it took me all of 3 seconds to know I wanted to do something to help them promote the name of Susan B. Anthony. We agreed to an initial order as listed above. She said that others she knew had purchased my pins at other art shows I had done, and told her about my work. Can't beat word of mouth! So if you want one of these buttons/pins, magnets, or stamps, drop by the Susan B. Anthony gift shop at 19 Madison Street and help support the SBA mission.

It is exciting to think these little logos might get cracked into the air. I'm glad this stamp turned out to be a home run. (Sorry, couldn't resist the horrible pun).
Susan B. photos by John Ballou
Baseball photos by James Fisher
I very much like the idea of making pins of a nice stamp... and this one looks beautiful I think!
that's brilliant stamps Collections.Custom Made Stamps so good.
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